Aircel has launched ‘Unlimited Dialer Tune Cards’. Its first of its kind card. Aircel Unlimited Dialer Tune Cards are available in physical sachet format for as low as Rs.7 for a sachet for 7days where in you can change songs unlimited, at no extra cost. Unlimited Dialer Tune Cards are available, for Rs.31 valid up to 31days and Rs.240 valid up to a period of 1 year respectively offering unlimited song change at no extra cost. These cards are available for both prepaid and postpaid users.
The users can now express themselves , dedicate songs to their loved ones, celebrate the mood during festivals and get the latest in music from an exhaustive catalogue of One lakh songs ranging from classical, devotional, films, jazz, hip hop to rock etc.Aircel is a National Brand with a strong local connect and has CRBT portals with the regional flavor offering consumers the choicest of songs in the regional language.
All Aircel prepaid and postpaid customers can recharge with this coupon by dialing the special IVR number 5300003 and entering the 16 digit secret PIN number. You can also recharge by sending SMS DTC <space> 16 digit PIN number to 5300003 (toll free). Call charges for using the IVR for song selection are Rs. 3 per minute. To unsubscribe SMS DT <space> unsub to 5300003 (toll free)