RIM has on its BlackBerry developers blog, said that from December 15th all the application over the BlackBerry App World will carry a rating system by which apps could be differentiated as per the users interests. BlackBerry wants all developers to login and rate your apps according to their content.

RIM said:
“On Wednesday November 30th, 2011 we will be performing a server upgrade that will bring content rating to the storefront. Our content rating system has been planned out based on input from our carrier, consumer, and developer partners to make sure we’ve implemented a content rating system that helps parents control what types of content their children have access to.
After the upgrade is complete, all applications and themes in the BlackBerry App World storefront will receive a default rating. The majority of apps will be rated G (General). If your app or theme is in one of the categories listed below, it’ll receive a rating of T (Teen).
In addition to these categories, apps and themes with descriptions that contain the terms “BBM”, “Facebook”, “Twitter”, “chat”, “dating”, “social” networking” and “message” will also receive a default rating of T (Teen).”
BlackBerry will be launching a client update on December 15th, 2011 that will enable consumers to set a rating filter. Once the filter is set, only content of the specified ratings will be displayed to the consumer when they browse or search the BlackBerry App World catalogue. The default rating filter in BlackBerry App World will be set to “Adult” – which will show all Adult related content to users. And for example if you set the rating as “G” rating, only “G” rated apps will be able to be viewed.