Now comes the cons, this appliaction will cost Rs.49 which is a one time download fee and can be used for a year withouut any hassle of renewing the product. When you download the Phonebook Application, you can use your mobile number as your User ID and save a PIN number which will be your unique password. The service is available on the web too. You can set it on daily, weekly or manual update. When you switch phones or lose your phone, all you have to do is access your contacts on the URL with the same mobile number & PIN.
How to get this macho lifesaver application?
You can download the Phonebook Backup application in 3 super simple steps:
- Go to the Games & Application section from the Phone Main menu
- Click on Mobile Shop and go to Catalogue Manager
- Click on the last link (the Phonebook Backup Application) and download it!
Tada!! That’s it. Now you don’t have to care about your contacts but do keep in mind to update the appliaction as soon as you add in some new contacts.