The Tata Docomo Dive In Stores will be showcase its products and Value Added Services (VAS).This allow users to touch, feel and experience the latest telecom technology and gadgets.
The TATA DOCOMO ‘Dive In’ Store is an autonomous exploration zone designed to enable an independent and singular user experience.The ‘Dive In’ store is a unique and revolutionary concept which offers a relaxing and interactive environment for consumers, aimed at inspiring and educating them on the benefits of mobility. Customers who visit these ‘lounge’ centers will be able to experience new user interfaces, richer browsing and cutting-edge devices, as also customized TATA DOCOMO applications and services.
The ‘Dive In Store’ also has specialized VAS kiosks that would help customer get up to speed on latest offerings and services at the same time customers can also, using a RFID prepaid card, renew or buy any new VAS service.