In the era of launch of new schemes and offers every other day,there exists a provider-Airtel which coincidentally happens to be India’s No.1 mobile provider,has discontinued the two sms packs which were launched just before couple of days. (You can read the details of these 2 packs here). Both the 24 and 67 Rs sms packs gave subscriber the freedom to send 500 sms/day for 10 and 30 days respectively.Subscribers were not even notified before the closure of this scheme and those who are recharging with Rs.24 and 67 are not getting any error message while recharging.Subscribers are not getting any benefits of the above said packs and their money is also wasted as the recharge gateway is still not closed.
A very disheartening move by Airtel as Airtel had advertised about these packs in leading newspapers right before the launch of this pack.Officially this pack was launched on 5th January 2010.Reliance and Vodafone have already launched such packs and Airtel had come up with comparatively cheaper SMS PACK than Vodafone so the SMS Tariff war was heating up in Maharashtra and Goa circle.
We,at Mobigyaan are informing every Airtel subscriber not to go for these two recharges as the pack is discontinued from 12th January 2010.
How far is it correct to discontinue some pack before informing the subscribers?? Post your comments on this issue.