Telegram rolled out an update last month which brought features like Message Editing, Member Mentions, People List and Bot Attachments. Now, Telegram has rolled out another update which brings features like Drafts, Picture-in-Picture and more.

The Drafts feature will show you unfinished messages in the chat list. Let’s say you were typing a message and then because of some reasons you closed the app. That unfinished message will stay there in the chat and will be synced across all the devices you have your Telegram account on. It means you can write a message from your smartphone and carry on with it on your computer. That chat will appear with Draft written in red color and the unsent message.
Another feature that has been rolled out is Picture-in-Picture. This feature will let you shrink and watch YouTube and Vimeo videos while doing other tasks. However, this feature is only available on iOS. Click this link to see it in action.

Android users get built-in video player with this update which means you no longer have to leave the app to watch a video. Telegram has also added ’Scroll to bottom’ button with an unread messages counter on Android and Telegram Desktop. Besides, you can also view the entire set of a group‘s profile pictures instead of just the latest one.