Uninor today announced the launch of a new scheme offering calls between local Uninor subscribers in Tamil Nadu for as low as 3.2 paise per minute. Uninor customers in Tamil Nadu can avail this ‘Local On Net offer’ on an electronic recharge of Rs 32 that provides 1000 minutes free talk time for local Uninor to Uninor calls. This offer is valid for a period of 30 days from the day of activation. Calls to other operator subscribers and STD calls are charged as per the subscriber’s base plan.
Speaking on the new scheme, Stefan Kercza, Head of Tamil Nadu & Kerala Hub said, “Uninor understands that customers prefer long conversations over the phone. Our plans are structured keeping this preference and usage patterns in mind. The new scheme launched today presents cost effective and convenient options for our subscribers in Tamil Nadu, to speak at length where price will never be a factor. We want our customers to experience the quality of Uninor.”